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The Everglades River of Grass

After we returned from Costa Rica and before we left Florida, we spent six days in the Everglades National Park. Thanks to many activists, including Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, the government is trying to protect and restore what’s left of the River of Grass. What appears to be swamp land, the River of Grass, is actually flowing water from central Florida to Biscayne Bay. It’s part of such a huge ecosystem that sugar growers in central Florida have damaged coral reef in the Keys. For four of the days we camped there, we had a lovely ocean side view of Biscayne Bay.

Dawn view from our tent
Dawn view from our tent


"Are you looking at ME?"
“Are you looking at ME?”


These mangroves look like something from the Wizard of Oz
These mangroves look like something from the Wizard of Oz


River of Grass
River of Grass



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