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View of Taiwan Coast from 1000 Feet

You really don’t get very far from the coast in Taiwan before you’re climbing a mountain. We were surprised to find that our GPS recorded our altitude at 300 meters during our afternoon at Kenting National Park. At a high point in the Park, there is a 5-story tower with a restaurant of sorts and a roof-top observation deck that added a few meters.

The panorama below is looking west toward China. Kenting and Hengchun are down there but maybe behind the hills. (The panorama photo can also be dragged with your mouse.)

The bottom photo is the very southern tip of Taiwan. If you blow it up, you can see the Eluanbi Lighthouse, the first white buildings tracing the coast from the right edge,  about 1/4 of the way in.

[photonav url=’/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/DSC00499.jpg’ container_height=500 mode=drag360 popup=colorbox animate=left position=center label=1]


The southern tip of Taiwan

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