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Tag: La Paz Waterfalls

YAW = Yet Another Waterfalls

Is it possible to see too many waterfalls? When we were backpacking in Brazil through the Chapada Diamantina, there were beautiful clear streams tumbling down the mountains. There were waterfalls everywhere. We had already seen the ...

Las Mariposas, As Borboletas, die Schmetterlinge, Motýli, Бабочки

Butterflies! When we visited Manuel Antonio Park, we saw Blue Morpho butterflies for the first time. The back of their wings is a brilliant, luminescent blue that lights up like neon signs in the sun. They ...

Do Hummingbirds Hum Because They Forgot the Words?

There was a large, very iridescent blue hummingbird that I’d never seen before. I tried to catch a good photo but she was shy and way too quick. I even tried explaining that the light was ...