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Category: Photo

Stalking the Wild Quetzel in the Monteverde Cloud Forest

While in Jaco, we frequented a certain micro-roaster coffee shop. When we told Juan, the owner, that we were headed for Arenal, he said “Oh, you must visit Monteverde. It’s very special.” We did. At an ...

About the Bus Ride to Jaco Beach: Good News and Bad News

First, the bad news. There’re enough stories on the Interwebs about tourists being robbed on the bus in Costa Rica to make one cautious. As cautious as we were, the bus driver and his companion opened ...

Photo Impressions of Costa Rica

Everywhere you look in San Jose, the buildings are protected like maximum security prisons: San Jose has varied architecture. Some buildings, like this one, are just plain weird. No, this isn’t camera perspective distortion. This building ...

My First Impression of Costa Rica

My first impression of Costa Rica is that it’s a country of high contrast. The downtown San Jose buildings are mostly old and decrepit. Everywhere there are locks, security gates, double rows of barbed wire and ...