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Tag: Osaka Japan

The Zen of Soba

“There’s nothing equal to wearing clothes and eating food. Outside this there are neither Buddhas nor Patriarchs.” (Zenrin Kushû) During our last few days in Japan, our friend, Toshiko, said that she wanted to show us ...

What We Miss in Japan Now That We Are in Taiwan 

Travel, for us, is all about our interaction with people; not seeing all the tourist attractions that a destination offers. So, the first thing we miss now that we are in Taiwan, are those good friends ...

Random Budget Tips for Enjoying Japan

Japan is not cheap. It also wasn’t outrageously expensive like the rumors we heard. Perhaps in Tokyo, the cost of living is on the same scale as New York City or Paris, but we stayed in Osaka ...

8 Surprising Things in Japan

I thought Japan would abound with origami items, origami displays and adults and children folding origami-everything, everywhere. Was I surprised! The only origami I saw was a string of a thousand cranes tied to the wooden shrine housing the ...