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Tag: food

Food! Food! Food!

We attended the 3rd annual Encuentro Oaxaca, a food festival that introduces everyone to the variety of indigenous dishes in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Play the video for a “taste”.

A Not-to-be-Missed Restaurant in Ubud, Indonesia

We rarely rave about a restaurant, and we rarely rave about a coffee shop, partly because we’re both pretty good cooks and baristas. Here’s one exception: Locavore, a restaurant in Ubud, Indonesia, was started by three friends ...

The Zen of Soba

“There’s nothing equal to wearing clothes and eating food. Outside this there are neither Buddhas nor Patriarchs.” (Zenrin KushĂ») During our last few days in Japan, our friend, Toshiko, said that she wanted to show us ...

Don’t Try This At Home

When we told our friend, CD, that we were heading to Japan, he commented “I understand it’s all about the ramen.” As a wine sommelier and aficionado of fine food, he nailed it. Perhaps he remembered ...