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Category: Article

The Birthplace of Equality

Heading west from Florida, we just had to stop at Dooky Chase’s restaurant in New Orleans, Louisiana. Why did we stop then? HISTORY! We were on a mission to enjoy the Cajun specialties at Dooky’s buffet ...

Cape Perpetua

Of all the beautiful places in the world, the Oregon coast is still one of my favorites. It has a palpable raw energy in its forests and in the ocean crashing against the rocks. The area ...

Our Worst Travel Moments — Owners Return Early During our House Sit

We’ve had so many fantastic moments traveling the world continuously for the past five years. In spite of all the “regular” living, there have been challenging moments when things have gone wrong. To be fair, things ...

Our Worst Travel Moments — Caught in a Dangerous Area

We’ve had so many fantastic moments traveling the world continuously for the past five years. In spite of all the “regular” living, there have been challenging moments when things have gone wrong. To be fair, things ...