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Month: February 2014

Back in the USSR USA and Short Term Plan

Back in the USSR USA STATUS Update and Short Term Plan (with apologies to the Beatles for the title of this blog) We landed back in Orlando last week and have been couchsurfing with friends. It ...

A Monteverde Cabin on a Working Family Farm

After our ordeal of not being able to find our AirBnB rental in Manuel Antonio, Deena and I decided not to book anything in advance for the rest of the trip. We would just go look ...

Do Hummingbirds Hum Because They Forgot the Words?

There was a large, very iridescent blue hummingbird that I’d never seen before. I tried to catch a good photo but she was shy and way too quick. I even tried explaining that the light was ...

Getting Directions to Someone’s House in Costa Rica Is Much More Difficult Than You Think

After our Jaco Jungle Jam stay, we headed south to Costa Rica’s Manuel Antonio National Park. We had reservations for an AirBnB apartment close to town (we thought). As it turns out, Costa Rica does not ...